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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Do You Have a Healthy Relationship?

Do You Have a Healthy Relationship? 3 Signs of a Healthy Relationship! You Don't Want to Miss This!
I bet you think that you have a healthy relationship. After all, most people do. But why is it then, that the divorce rate is above 50%, and why is it much higher for people who date?

You see, what most people consider to be a healthy relationship, is actually a relationship which is deteriorating...BUT, as long as you catch the unhealthy signs early, you can make sure it doesn't ruin your relationship!

Read on to find out whether or not you have a healthy relationship...

Sign #1 That You Have A Healthy Relationship: Two DIFFERENT Opinions

You can have two different opinions without getting mad at each other. A lot of couples will argue till their face gets blue when they experience a difference in opinions, BUT, if you and your partner can have a difference of opinions without feeling hurt or without wanting to chop each other's heads off...this means your relationship is healthy.

You see, whenever there is a mutual understanding, you will notice that you can share different ideas without feeling as if it's just not working out, because you understand each other, you don't let every small disagreement get in the way of the bigger picture.

Sign #2 That You Have A Healthy Relationship: You Aren't BORED

You may not be aware of this, but boredom is the number one cause of cheating. If you find yourself always feeling bored or always expecting your partner to entertain you...then you are on the verge of pushing your relationship into an unhealthy one.

Healthy relationships do not have partners who constantly depend on each other to keep each other entertained, because they can naturally find new ways to challenge each other.

Welcome challenges into your relationship, because they will prevent both of you from becoming bored, and in the end both of you will always feel satisfied.

Sign #3 That You Have A Healthy Relationship: You Can Let Things Go

Do you or your partner let things go, or do both of you hold grudges? You see, if you find that neither of you can easily let issues go, and that both of you always bring it up in future arguments, this is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

In a healthy relationship, both partners will be able to easily let things go, because they are working together, not against each other. They are also able to let things go more easily, because they change and make efforts not to make the same mistakes again.

This is because each partner knows what they want from each other and from themselves. When you don't know what you want, you will find that you feel offended easily when your partner does something which isn't exactly what you expect... and you will also find that you may like one thing about them one minute, but a month later hate that same exact thing.

You should also understand that the reason why neither of you is able to let things go, is because neither of you wants to change, and if neither of you is willing to change, the relationship is going to go nowhere, because every healthy relationship has a healthy amount of change, which is the kind of change that moves both of you forward.

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